We decided to make another trip to Europe to visit things we had not yet previously seen, and we knew that we wanted Mont Saint-Michel to be part of this trip. As our plans already included a trip to Paris to explore the Le Marais area, we enhanced our travel schedule to allow us sufficient time for a day trip to Mont Saint-Michel.

Before you proceed, if you are looking for a video of Mont Saint-Michel, click here to view a really good video of the island. This video was taklen from a drone and is one of the best we've seen! The video is the property of LET'S FLY ! via YouTube.

The next section of this page describes the steps we took to make this a day trip, if you have plans to stay there overnight (or longer) then you can skip forward. We were only interested in the Abbey and not the surrounding area - but admittedly, it is quite pretty.

Paris to Mont Saint-Michel Day Trip 

Caution: We are not (repeat NOT) advocating day-tripping to Mont Saint-Michel from Paris. Our time schedule was created months in advance and we wanted to spend the majority of our time elsewhere, so we devised a day-trip schedule that allowed us to explore the island quickly & efficiently. Our time management method might not work for everyone, but it worked out perfectly for us.

During our trip research we reviewed various methods of transportation, ie;

  • Auto Rental: Given that auto rentals are more expensive than in the US, and also because the distance between our condo rental in Le Marais to Mont Saint-Michel was nearly 370 kilometers (230 miles), we decided that we could not possibly arrive at the Abbey early enough in the day to allow us to complete our explorations. Combine that with the fact that we would then have to drive back to Le Marais after a day of hiking around the Abbey, and we came to the conclusion that this was not going to work for us.
  • Bus Tour: There are bus tours that advertise that they can provide a day trip to Mont Saint-Michel in 14 hours. ViatorViator Affiliate Link Image and Get Your Guide both advertise these types of tours, however, the per person price was in excess of $125. In addition, none of the bus tours (at least at that time) would get us back to Le Marais before midnight. Additionally, we did not want to be "tied" to a tour group moving about at a slow pace.
  • Airlines: There are flights from Charles De Gaulle Airport to Pontorson, however, the round trip per person price was high and we would still need to get to Mont Saint-Michel from the Pontorson Airport.

So we then researched train schedules to see if they would be faster and found that if we departed Paris in the early morning, that we could arrive at Mont Saint-Michel with enough time to do everything that we wanted to see there and get back to Paris in the evening of the same day. This was all because the TGV trains operate at 300 kilometers per hour and I doubt that anyone could match that speed if they drove!

Travel Tile
Mont Saint-Michel Coat of Arms Image is the property of Heraldry of the World

Click the above video poster image to view our Mont Saint Michel video. It’s an Abbey that dates back to the 8th Century and is an iconic sight in France. It’s possible to visit Mont St. Michel from Paris in just one day by train - making for a spectacular day trip! Our video describes how to do it, and some tips for visiting Mont Saint Michel to make your day trip a success.

Our Mont Saint-Michel Day Trip Game Plan 

We came up with the following transportation plan (below), based upon using the Train schedule information found online (note: schedules were at that time, which may differ now).

Tip Logo

When you look at French Train Schedules, that there are TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse), TER (Transport Express Régional), and Intercités trains for long-distance routes. TGV trains make the trip to Rennes from Gare Montparnasse in one hour and 26 minutes, non-TGV trains make that same trip in 3 hours and 18 minutes. Multiply that nearly two hour time difference by two to account for the round trip, and you can see why it is important to schedule your trip on a TGV train.

Tip Logo

Pay attention to the train schedule, you do not want to take any train that makes stops & some trains stop in Le Mans, you want to use only the non-stop trains to Rennes. The Gare Montparnasse station is large, but all train schedules are displayed on monitor screens located throughout the station. You will need your train identification number (for example, ours was TGV 8701) and the monitors will tell you where to locate that train.

Tip Logo

There are several websites where you can make advance French Rail System reservations; Rail Europe, SNCF Connect and the The Train Line. There may be others, use Google Search, but we have dealt with these companies and they are reputable. All of these websites will allow you to enter your entire train schedule itinerary.

  • Paris Metro Stations are always equipped with large maps of the entire system, and if you are going to travel the Metro System you have to be aware of where each line is and where it goes. This is because you'll need to know the last station (on that line) to know what direction you're heading - For example, our trip from the Saint Paul Station was on Line 1 to the Champs-Élysées–Clemenceau station. We needed to change there to a Line 13 train, so we boarded the train that headed south in the direction of Châtillon–Montrouge. The last station on line 1 headed west is La Defense, which gave us the direction and which side of the tracks we had to be situated to catch the southbound line 13 train. We jumped off at the Montparnasse–Bienvenüe station where we could access the Gare Montparnasse Train Station on the ground floor via escalator.
  • Obtain your TGV train reservations in advance! Mont Saint-Michel is a popular destination, and if you wait too long to obtain your tickets then it is possible that you will find that there are no tickets available for the time frame you desire. French Rail companies do not overbook! On-sale dates vary by country, route, and time of year, with most starting two to four months in advance of travel, and six months ahead for Germany and the Eurostar Chunnel train.
  • We rode the Paris Metro from the Saint Paul Metro Station (nearest to our VRBO rental in Le Marais) to the Gare Montparnasse train station. Keep in mind that the Metro starts at 5:30AM each weekday and 2AM on Friday & Saturday. Paris Metro trains are frequent; once every 2-4 minutes during daytime hours and every 6-12 minutes at night (after 8:30pm).
  • We rode the 6:52AM TGV train to Rennes. Travel time was approximately 1.4 hours (approximately 350 kilometers). The train was fast and comfortable. Keep in mind that you have to be careful that you are getting a TGV train (and not an RER train), not every scheduled train is going to be a TGV and some will be "locals" which will make numerous stops.
  • We arrived in Rennes at 8:22am, and switched to a regional (TER) train. Travel time from Rennes to Pontorson was approximately 45 minutes (approximately 60 kilometers). Departure time from Rennes was 9:05AM.
  • We arrived in Pontorson at 10:01am, and boarded a local bus to Mont Saint-Michel. The Pontorson Tour Bus meets every arriving train, no need for reservations. You will be taken directly to the Abbey causeway, and dropped off next to the Abbey main gate.
  • Our return trip to Paris was dictated by the Train schedule from Rennes to Paris, so we picked a 3:11PM train from Pontorson, so that we would arrive in Rennes in time for the Paris train. We were back in Paris by 18:43PM and had dinner in Le Marais on the way back to our VRBO rental.
  • This schedule provided us with a total of over five hours to explore the island and have lunch. This is more than enough time to do a thorough walk of through the entire structure, taking pictures & enjoying everything there is to see.

NOTE: The French Rail System modifies it's train schedules from time to time, and uses different schedules for week-day versus weekend. The schedule that we utilized may no longer exist or may have changed. There are several different train companies that offer transportation service to Mont Saint-Michel from Paris, including; Rail Europe, The Train Line, Omio and SNCF Connect. There may be others, so here is a link to a Google Search Results list for Paris to Mont Saint-Michel Train Schedule.

Document IconClick here to view the Train route from Paris to Mont Saint-Michel

If you do decide to drive to Mont Saint-Michel from Paris, note that the public parking lots are 2.5 kilometers away from the Abbey. From the parking area a free shuttle bus is available to visitors: called the Passeur. It starts from the shuttle hub, located next to the Tourist Information Centre, right next to the parking area. The Passeur will take you to the Mont Saint-Michel end stop, located 350 metres away from the city walls and it runs non-stop from 7.30am to 12.00am. It takes about 12 minutes for the shuttle to drive from the shuttle hub to the end stop.

 Tour Companies 

If you have plenty of time, there are tour companies who will take you from Paris to Mont Saint-Michel. Here are a few of those companies;

  • ViatorViator Affiliate Link Image
  • Go Ahead Tours
  • City Wonders Tours
  • Google Search
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Walking Tour & Optional Abbey Ticket from "Get Your Guide"
  • Paris City Vision
  • Blue Fox Travel
 Travel Warning 

There is a lot of mis-information on the Internet about how to make this sort of day trip, some of it is erroneous and/or mis-leading. The method we utilized is simple and allowed us to do this as a "day trip" which is what we required - as we were scheduled to fly to Nice the next day late morning from Paris.

If you have more time to spend in Mont Saint-Michel, you might want to follow another type of plan. To be blunt, we might have stayed longer if our schedule could have allowed it, but we were due in Nice, France and our reservations there were locked in.

To repeat, our schedule did not allow an overnight visit, so a daytrip was perfect for us. Your time schedule may be different, so you should plan accordingly.

Inside Mont Saint-Michel 

When you enter the main gate, it is not immediately clear that there are two routes to the top. We took the Porte Eschaugette route by turning left and going up the stairs. If you turn right and follow the crowds, you will be entering the village area and it is slow movement due to the very narrow (and steep) street and dense crowds. Both directions will get you to the top of the Abbey, but going to the left is far less crowded.

The advantage of heading to the top on the route we selected, is that you are going to be able to get to the top without the crowds and visit the Abbey then you can see the village as you descend, so you will have as much time as you have to visit the little shops.

You should also keep in mind that taking the Porte Eschaugette route will require you to ascend a very steep trail and then steep steps at the top. The trail is a switch-back, so the ascent varies in steepness. Once you reach the top, you will be able to enter various areas of the Abbey that require you to traverse even more steps.

Abbey entrance tickets are available, we purchased ours (€10 per person) in the visitors center on the left side of the main entrance. They check tickets at the Abbey entrance, so you need to have one or you will not be able to enter. Getting the tickets down below allowed us to skip the line at the top.

WARNING: They were turning away visitors who did not have tickets at the Abbey entrance, and it is a lengthy walk back to the place where you can obtain tickets. So if you want to explore the Abbey, get your tickets!

The following images & text, will show you our exploration of the entire island, the Abbey as well as the restaurant where we had lunch.

Views of the Abbey from the Causeway 

Walking the CausewayWalking the Causeway
Walking the CausewayWalking the Causeway
Causeway Rest StopCauseway Rest Stop
Abbey is an Imposing StructureAbbey is an Imposing Structure

The island and Abbey are amazing, and as you can see that the entire entire island "is" the Abbey. These views just made us even more eager to begin our trek through the Abbey.

The Pontorson bus from the train station, dropped us off on the causeway that leads out to the Abbey, so this was our first closeup view of this magnificent structure. The bus drop-off stop was perhaps 100 yards from the entrance.

See how the water has not quite completely receded? In less than an hour, it was nothing but sand and the water had departed for the English Channel. When you first learn that the water depth around the island (when the tide is in) can reach 15+ meters, you realize that a receding tide is a gigantic amount of water!

Main entrance area of Mont Saint-Michel 

The stairs in the background of image # 1 show you the route that we took (the Porte Eschaugette route). This method allowed us to not have to walk through the village and the crowds that were already gathering. This is a rather steep way to get to the top of the Abbey, but the views were well worth the effort.

The little building in the background of image # 1, just above the stairs, is where we purchased our Abbey entrance tickets - do not forget to acquire those tickets, or you will be denied entrance !

Image # 2 shows that if you had not turned left and followed the Porte Eschaugette route, you would have to wind your way through the village area shown in this image. The later in the day you arrive, the thicker the crowds are going to be.

I have to admit though, there were a lot of interesting shops in the village. I am glad that we took the Porte Eschaugette route and saw the village after the Abbey. We were able to do a bit of window shopping and bought a few souvenirs as we explored the village.

Views from the Top of the Island 

From the highest point of the Abbey at Mont Saint-Michel, the panoramic view of the surrounding area is truly breathtaking. From this vantage, you can observe the vast expanse of the tidal flats as the tide recedes, leaving behind shimmering, wet sand that stretches to the horizon. The tidal variations here are among the highest in Europe, often exceeding an impressive 15 meters. During low tide, the Mont appears as though it is surrounded by an endless desert of sand and water channels, a stark contrast to high tide when it transforms into an island.

This unique tidal phenomenon has shaped the history and mystique of Mont Saint-Michel for centuries. The interplay of light on the sands creates an almost otherworldly landscape, making it a haven for photographers and nature enthusiasts. The views also reveal the intricate pathways and causeways that connect the island to the mainland, as well as the surrounding salt marshes that are grazed by sheep, famous for producing prized pré-salé (salt meadow) lamb. Standing atop the Abbey, one cannot help but feel a profound connection to both nature and history, marveling at the ever-changing beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Abbey Structure 

Mont Saint-Michel is an architectural and historical marvel, a harmonious blend of religious devotion and medieval ingenuity. At its heart lies the Abbey, a towering Gothic church perched atop the rocky island, dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel. Surrounding this spiritual centerpiece are various structures and areas that once supported the daily lives and spiritual practices of the monks who lived there.

The complex includes the monks' living quarters, dining hall (known as the refectory), scriptorium for studying and copying manuscripts, and workrooms where they carried out their assigned duties. Each space was designed with purpose, reflecting the monastic order's focus on prayer, study, and labor. The cloister, a tranquil garden space, offered a serene setting for meditation and contemplation, while the vast kitchens were tasked with preparing meals for the monks and visiting pilgrims.

Beyond its religious functions, the Mont also features several museums, showcasing artifacts and exhibits that narrate its storied past, from its origins in the 8th century to its role as a medieval pilgrimage site. Today, visitors can explore these spaces, each steeped in history, and marvel at how this iconic structure was built to withstand the tides, weather, and the passage of centuries.


Tidal Flats Tours 

In image # 1 you can see a tour group setting out for a walk about the sandy area exposed during low tide. Although you do not need to be in a tour group to walk about, one must be aware of when the tide comes back, as well as being able to avoid the quicksand areas.

Image # 2 was taken near the top of the Abbey, and you can see that the tide is not quite at it's lowest point. As mentioned previously, tidal variations can reach 15 meters.

There are a number of tours you could consider, here is a list of tours from the "Trip Advisor Site".

This is what happens to Boats when the tide is out 

Boat Stranded when tide is OutBoat Stranded when tide is Out

It is apparently "normal" for boats to be left at anchor when the tide goes out, obviously that boat is not going to move until the tide returns and refloats it!.

Tidal Speed: In reality the full extent of the tides is only visible at the entry of the bay (the sea level around Mont Saint-Michel is above the low tide level) and its actual speed is closer to a walking human, the fastest observed being around 6.1 kilometers per hour.

For a more complete description of the tides, click here to view their speed and tidal variations information.

It is a Steep Walk to the Top of the Abbey 

Did I mention how steep the Porte Eschaugette route to the Abbey is? The incline is relentless, stretching from the main entrance at the base of the island all the way to the summit where the iconic Abbey sits. Fortunately for those making the climb, the path winds through a series of switchbacks, helping to manage the ascent. Even with these twists and turns, the journey is still quite the workout. From what we’ve read, this route includes approximately 350 steps, though it can certainly feel like more when you’re in the thick of it!

That said, this climb is not for everyone. If you’re not accustomed to steep hikes or if your health isn’t in tip-top shape, you might want to reconsider taking this route. The combination of the steps and the incline can be demanding, especially on a hot day or when navigating through crowds.

However, for those who do tackle the climb, the reward is unforgettable: breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and the sense of accomplishment that comes from reaching the Abbey at the top. It’s a journey that combines physical effort with awe-inspiring history, making it an experience you’ll remember long after you leave.

IMAGE CREDITS: Image # 2 above is the property of Antoine Lamielle via Wikimedia Commons using the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. All other images are the property of Just Traveling Thru, LLC unless otherwise noted.

Flat-spots on the Porte Eschaugette Route 

It is fortunate that the route we followed would occasionally "flatten out" as it looped back and forth! We paused here and took image # 1 of people descending back towards the The Center for National Monuments. Image # 2 shows another flat spot as we continued to ascend to the summit.

Many of the websites that talk about Mont Saint-Michel, describe that the total walking distance to tour the entire island is approximately 2 kilometers. Because the island is relatively small, the 2 kilometer description gives you some idea of how the trail loops back and forth.

The Porte Eschaugette route to Mont Saint-Michel is quite steep. It involves ascending a series of switchbacks, which can be challenging, especially if you're not used to hiking or climbing stairs. Once you reach the top, you'll encounter even more steps as you explore the abbey itself.

It's important to be prepared for the climb and wear comfortable shoes with good grip..

Ascending the Porte Eschaugette Route 

You have to keep looking up & around you, or you will miss these incredible views!

See the gargoyles sticking out from the top of the building in these pictures? They are actually there to prevent rainwater from running down the masonry wall and slowly erode the mortar between the stones, thereby weakening the structure. By "sticking out" away from the building, the rainwater is forced away from the building, on it's way down.

Click here for a more complete discussion of gargoyles (and some great pictures) found on French buildings..

Spire of the Abbey 

These are the kinds of views you get as you descend from the Abbey at the top of the island to the village at the bottom. These images were taken in the inner courtyard of the Abbey, you can just barely see the tops of the walkway arches on the very bottom right of this image. At the extreme left of image # 1, is the entrance to the church (not available for tourist entrance however).

A gilded statue of St. Michael is at the very top of the spire, you can see it in each of these images or click either to see a larger view.

NOTE: This is the building that you will need the tickets for, be sure to get them when you enter the main entrance or you will be denied entry to the Abbey.


Abbey Treadwheel Crane 

This mechanism (called the Treadwheel crane) is how they hoisted heavy objects from the lower levels to the upper floors of the Abbey. It served as a windlass and was installed when Mont Saint-Michel was a prison, to hoist supplies to the prisoners. Some prisoners would walk inside the wheel to rotate it, which provided the motive power to lift objects from below.

The abbey was closed in 1791 and converted into a prison, initially to hold clerical opponents of the republican regime (up to 300 priests at one point). The abbey was then nicknamed 'bastille des mers' (Bastille of the sea). It remained a prison until 1863.

In image # 4, you are looking down the ramp from the upper level of the Abbey. You can see the "cargo cart" used to hold the items being hauled in place until the cart arrived at the top. The cargo cart would slide along those wooden rails - can you imagine working in the group that had to hoist cargo from below?


La Mere Poulard Restaurant 

The restaurant was founded by Anne "Annette" Boutiaut (1851-1931), who married Victor Poulard on 14 January 1873 and founded the Hostellerie de la Tête d'Or, finding that customers came and went quickly with the tide, giving them the idea of cooking giant omelettes in a wooden hearth to make them stay.

There are a number of places to eat in the village, see our "eateries list" at the bottom of this page.

Image # 2 is the La Mere Poulard restaurant Kitchen. These omelets are quite large, and I would imagine that the restaurant uses a lot of eggs each business day! Notice how the large doors are open to the kitchen? Those doors open to the village street and the cooks preparing omelets draw quite a crowd, who enjoy watching the cooking activities!

A very good French friend of ours told us about this famous restaurant in the village area of Mont Saint-Michel. He told us to be sure and visit La Mere Poulard and that we would enjoy the omelets! However, this restaurant is pricey so be prepared - however - the omelettes are very good!

By the time we had hiked the Porte Eschaugette route, walked through the Abbey and visited every nook of the entire structure, we were very hungry. Touristy? Yes... Pricey? Yes - but very filling and very tasty!

More Info for the La Mere Poulard Restaurant

  • La Mere Poulard Restaurant Website
  • La Mere Poulard Restaurant Google Images Set:
  • Google Reviews for the La Mere Poulard Restaurant

Image Credits:

  • All the above images (unless otherwise noted) are the property of Just Traveling Thru, LLC.

La Tour Gabriel 

This tower was constructed in 1524 by the lieutenant of the King of France, Gabriel Dupuy. He completed the defensive structures with a tower called “Tour Gabriel” (Gabriel Tower). The round shape allowed soldiers to react rapidly, shooting in all directions from three levels which were built to house cannons.

If you take the Porte Eschaugette route, you will walk very close to this area, which is on the western side of the island.

The Knight’s Room (AKA "Scriptorium") 

Section Banner Image The Knight’s Room - Image is the property of Gjacquenot via Wikipedia Commons using the CC BY-SA 3.0 license

La salle des Chevaliers (the Knight’s room): This room earned its name from the St. Michael Knights’ Order, founded by King Louis XI. The King intended for the knights to meet here in this room annually, however history says that these meetings never took place because of the distance of Mont Saint-Michel from Paris. The end result was that the monks spent much of their time to copy and illuminate precious manuscripts in this room.

Situated on the second floor of the Merveille, this hall is divided in four naves of different width by three rows of columns ; the southern nave is built on the rock, the other two on the pillars of the room beneath.

The Scriptorium — also known as the Knight’s Room (Salle des Chevaliers)—was primarily used as a monastic study and workroom. It was part of the Merveille (The Marvel), the grand 13th-century Gothic extension of the abbey, and was located on the second floor, directly beneath the refectory. Though it is sometimes mistakenly associated with knights due to its later name (Salle des Chevaliers), the Scriptorium was originally & fundamentally a space for monastic learning and intellectual pursuits.

Crypt of the Massive Pillars 

This has long been a source of fascination for researchers. “In 1421 the choir of the Roman church collapsed and, with it, a part of its supporting crypt,” Yves Gallet (professor of medieval art history at the Université Bordeaux-Montaigne) recounts. “Later in that century, both the chancel and what we call the Crypt of the Massive Pillars were rebuilt in the purest Gothic style.” However, the Roman remnants in the crypt led the historian to question the actual age of the granite columns. “The form and appearance of the Gothic choir just above it got me thinking,” he says. “Although it is in the flamboyant style typical of the 15th century, it has the layout of older Rayonnant churches, like Évreux Cathedral, which is 200 years older.”

Gallet surmises that some of the pillars of the Romanesque choir withstood the collapse and were “sheathed” (reinforced) to bear the weight of the Gothic chancel, whose walls rise higher than the previous Roman structure. In order to align the church’s colonnades with those of the crypt, its layout was modeled after an older building. This hypothesis was corroborated by a GPR study in the autumn of 2016: “The probes revealed the presence of a core of different stone inside the Gothic pillars,” Gallet reports.

Mont Saint-Michel Cloister Garden 


At one point several hundred years ago, they actually grew food in this area. This area is located above ("on top of") the Knight’s room, and the water for the garden continually leaked into the that room below. After repeated attempts to stop the water leaks, use of this area as a garden was eventually abandoned.

Contrary to tradition, this cloister was not built at the centre of the monastery and thus does not link with all the other buildings. Nonetheless, as in every monastery, it is a place of contemplation, a promenade uniquely for the monks. It also used to serve as an open air library as monks were usually copying books or simply reading. In order to build this space, the northern part of the Abbey’s transept had to be partially reduced. The western, gallery was supposed open onto another building, mentioned before, and the three bay windows would have been the doors.

The Nave and Gothic Choir area 

Everything on Mont Saint-Michel, both the interior and exterior of its buildings, is made from granite, a material that gives the island its striking, timeless beauty. The granite is not only aesthetically pleasing but also remarkably well-preserved, considering its age and the challenging environment. The enduring quality of the stone is a testament to the craftsmanship and resilience of the builders.

Transporting the stone to the island was an incredible feat. All of the granite was sourced from nearby quarries, most notably from the Chausey Islands. The rough-hewn stone was initially quarried there, then transported by boat during high tide. Once it reached Mont Saint-Michel, the stone was hauled up the steep, rocky slope using ropes and sheer human muscle power, a testament to the determination and ingenuity of the workers.

The Chausey Islands, given to the monks by the Duke of Normandy in 1022, were essential to the construction efforts. Once the stone arrived on Mont Saint-Michel, skilled stone masons meticulously finished it, shaping it into precise blocks designed for specific areas of the island’s architecture.

The Abbey itself was constructed over a period of 25 years, from 1203 to 1228, though it has undergone numerous enhancements and modifications throughout the centuries. Despite these changes, the timeless quality of the granite and the architectural ingenuity of Mont Saint-Michel remain enduring symbols of its historical significance.

The Monk's Refectory 

Located within the monks' living quarters at the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, the refectory is situated next to the cloister area, offering a peaceful setting for reflection, study and community. This area is covered by a wooden vaulted ceiling, which, in contrast to the heavy stone used throughout the Abbey, lends an air of lightness and elegance to the space. The lighter wooden vault, compared to heavy stone, was easier to construct and allowed for a more efficient distribution of weight. The use of wood also facilitated a quicker building time, as the monks would have been working with the resources available to them at the time.

The refectory also served as the dining hall for the monks, where meals were taken in strict silence as part of their spiritual practice. The silence was intended to foster contemplation and maintain a focus on prayer and mindfulness during the communal meals. This practice reinforced the monks' commitment to their religious vows and provided an atmosphere conducive to meditation.

To illuminate this expansive room, the design incorporates narrow, strategically placed windows along the side walls. These windows are subtle, almost hidden from view when standing at the entrance, allowing natural light to filter into the space without disturbing the refectory's tranquil atmosphere. This design choice also adds an element of mystery, as the light seems to emerge from nowhere, enhancing the sense of peace within this sacred space.

NOTE: Image # 2 is the property of the France Voyage Site. We encourage you to visit that site for more great Mont Saint-Michel images.

 Quick Facts 

The Mont-Saint-Michel abbey is divided in two parts: the church-abbey and the "Merveille". The "Merveille" was the monk living area. Seen from outside, it has a gothic front, on the North side, has three levels and was built over 25 years.

The "Merveille" can be subdivided into two parts: the East and the West sides. The East side was built first (from 1211 to 1218) and has three rooms: the chaplaincy, the hosts room and the dining-hall (from bottom to top). The West side was built seven years later and has three rooms: the wine cellar, the Knights room and the cloister.

Click here to visit the Wikipedia Page where the above information came from.

Town or Parking Lot Transportation to & from the Abbey 

The horse carraige is the more leisurely way to get back to the parking lots and there are other methods including; walking, buses, taxis, etc. You may want to keep in mind that the parking lots are over 2 kilometers from the Abbey gates.

All visitors to Mont Saint-Michel, whether arriving by bus or car, have to either walk (40 minutes) or take the free shuttle buses (10 minutes), or a horse-drawn carriage, the last 3 km to Mont Saint-Michel. (Cycling is only allowed at quiet times.) The views are obviously better walking towards the island than back towards the parking lots.

Free shuttle buses (Passeur navettes) transport visitors with high frequency from the parking lots to Mont Saint-Michel. The buses stop en route at La Caserne / Grand’rue (the hotel and shopping complex on the mainland) and at Le Barrage (the dam), which offer some of the best views of Mont Saint-Michel. (From here, it is a ten-minute walk back to the parking lot should the buses arriving from the island be too crowded.)

Buses to Mont Saint-Michel coordinate with train times at Pontorson, which is used by local (TER) trains. The bus journey is only around 15 minutes (€3).

The horse-drawn carraige (the 'Maringote') cost is 5.30 Euros per person one way & children under 4 are free.

Mont Saint-Michel Shops 


Many of the shops and restaurants in the charming village of Mont Saint-Michel, particularly those situated along the east side of the island's main street, offer a delightful surprise for visitors. Their doors open onto a historic stone rampart, providing access to stunning views of the surrounding tidal flats below. This unique feature not only enhances the experience of shopping or dining but also offers a chance to pause and take in the breathtaking scenery.

The ramparts themselves are steeped in history, serving as both a defensive barrier and a vantage point for centuries. Today, they allow visitors to marvel at the extraordinary tidal variations that make Mont Saint-Michel so famous. When the tide is out, the vast, glistening sands seem to stretch endlessly, creating an otherworldly landscape. When the tide rushes back in, the island transforms, surrounded by water that reflects the ever-changing sky.

 Quick Facts 

Typical of the medieval era, Mont Saint-Michel is surrounded by ancient walls (ramparts) that protected against invasions. Tourists can take a walk around the "Chemin des Remparts" (Ramparts Pathway) to enjoy the scenic views. The immense stone ramparts circle the edge of the island and feature battlements that were used to fight off invaders. From many points along the Chemin des Remparts, there are sweeping panoramas of the Bay of Saint-Michel.

Eastern Side of Mont Saint-Michel Island 

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Mont Saint-Michel on a day trip from Paris. This guide covers transportation options, must-see sights, and tips for making the most of your visit to this iconic island commune, famous for its stunning abbey and picturesque views

 Eastern side of the Island

Mont Saint-Michel village is located only on the eastern side of the island, facing towards the bay & the mainland. There are a number of shops, creperies and restaurants here in the village.

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Mont Saint-Michel on a day trip from Paris. This guide covers transportation options, must-see sights, and tips for making the most of your visit to this iconic island commune, famous for its stunning abbey and picturesque views

 Approaching the Village from the Summit

This is the village view you get as you walk down from the Abbey, you can see the trail continuing in the center of this image.

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Mont Saint-Michel on a day trip from Paris. This guide covers transportation options, must-see sights, and tips for making the most of your visit to this iconic island commune, famous for its stunning abbey and picturesque views

 Abbey North Face

As we were walking up the trail, we noticed this ramp leading up to the building. We learned later, that this ramp was used to haul cargo into the Abbey using the Treadwheel Crane. You can see how steep that ramp is, I would imagine that hauling anything up that ramp would be physically challenging.


English Channel side (west side) of the Island 

English Channel side of the AbbeyEnglish Channel side of the Abbey

We came into the Abbey with the intention of walking around this side on our way to the highest part of the Abbey. Due to the steep walk ways on this side, the crowds were not as large as they were on the bay side of the island.

At the top of this picture, you can see the top of the spire that is on the very top of the Abbey. This is the "back side" of it, the earlier picture showed it from the front side.

To see the Abbey like we did, turn left (the Porte Eschaugette route) at the main gate because it is the least crowded route up to the top, and make sure you get your camera ready! Do not turn right (after the main gate) and enter the village, as this will have you walking along with the crowd along a very narrow trail.

Restoration Projects 

The restoration of Mont Saint-Michel, which began in 1874, is a monumental effort that spans over a century and highlights the dedication to preserving one of France's most iconic landmarks. Located on a rocky island off the Normandy coast, Mont Saint-Michel is renowned for its medieval abbey, Gothic architecture, and picturesque setting, but by the 19th century, it had suffered from centuries of neglect, exposure to harsh weather conditions, and erosion due to the silting of the bay.

The Beginnings of Restoration (1874)

The restoration movement began in earnest in 1874 when Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, one of France's leading architects and a pioneer in restoration, was appointed by the French government to oversee the preservation of Mont Saint-Michel. Viollet-le-Duc was renowned for his restoration work on other French landmarks, including Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, and his influence on Mont Saint-Michel would be profound.

At the time, the abbey was deteriorating due to a combination of environmental factors, war damage, and general disrepair. Viollet-le-Duc focused on restoring the abbey’s Gothic spires, stonework, and structural integrity, with an emphasis on re-establishing the original medieval design, but with some modifications to enhance its aesthetic appeal. His work included reinforcing the church’s walls, restoring the cloisters, and adding new stone elements to the upper portions of the abbey. Viollet-le-Duc’s approach was controversial at the time, as he often introduced elements that were not strictly historically accurate, but his work helped stem the tide of decay and stabilized the building.

The Ongoing Efforts and Preservation Challenges

After Viollet-le-Duc's death in 1879, the restoration efforts continued under various architects, with a focus on safeguarding the abbey's architecture and cultural significance. The French government, understanding the importance of Mont Saint-Michel as both a religious monument and a national treasure, funded the ongoing work, but challenges remained. One of the most pressing issues was the silting of the bay, which had resulted in the submerging of the causeway that connected Mont Saint-Michel to the mainland, leaving the island isolated and vulnerable to erosion.

In the early 20th century, modernization projects sought to address the environmental problems that were affecting the island. At the same time, the increasing number of visitors to Mont Saint-Michel prompted a renewed focus on restoring the site’s authentic historical and architectural value. The growing tourism and industrialization around the bay presented significant challenges in preserving the abbey’s scenic surroundings and maintaining its integrity as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Major Restoration Milestones and Achievements

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Mont Saint-Michel’s restoration underwent significant changes to adapt to modern conservation techniques and address the growing environmental concerns. The removal of the artificial causeway, which had been a critical part of the island’s connection to the mainland, became one of the most important steps in the restoration process. The causeway had long blocked the natural tidal flow, leading to the build-up of silt around the island, but in 2015, the construction of a new bridged causeway allowed the sea to naturally flow around Mont Saint-Michel, restoring its tidal island status and improving the site's ecological balance.

This engineering marvel required an extensive plan involving hydraulic engineers, ecologists, and conservationists to ensure that the restoration would not only preserve the island’s historical value but also enhance its environmental sustainability. As a result, the restoration was viewed as a success in maintaining Mont Saint-Michel’s iconic image as a medieval fortress rising from the sea.

The most recent restoration efforts have focused on the stabilization of the abbey’s walls, the preservation of its artwork, and the strengthening of its foundations. The restoration work continues to reflect the meticulous attention given to each detail of the abbey's historical fabric, including architectural elements like the abbey’s spires, cloisters, and monastic chambers.


The restoration of Mont Saint-Michel, which began in 1874 and continues to this day, stands as one of the most ambitious and significant preservation projects in the world. Through the work of Viollet-le-Duc and later architects, engineers, and conservationists, Mont Saint-Michel has been saved from the ravages of time and natural decay, ensuring that future generations can continue to admire its unique architectural beauty and spiritual significance. The ongoing efforts to protect Mont Saint-Michel’s environment, including the restoration of its tidal dynamics, demonstrate the commitment to maintaining the island's cultural heritage and ecological balance, securing its place as one of the world’s most cherished landmarks.

 Suggested Readings 

The history of this little island stretches back to the 800AD time frame, and it's original name was Mont Tombe. The history is so varied, and so extensive, that you really have to go read a few of these in order to get a sense of it.

  • Encyclopedia Britannica Article
  • Official Mont Saint-Michel Tourism Office
  • History of Mont Saint-Michel
  • Google Search Results list for "Mont Saint-Michel"
  • Amazon Search Results list for "Mont Saint-Michel"
  • Just Traveling Thru European Travel Tips
  • Just Traveling Thru Travel Planning Tips
  • Youtube Search Results list for "Mont Saint-Michel"
  • Day Trip to Mont Saint-Michel from Paris on the "Get Your Guide" Website
  • Visit our Youtube Channel
 Where to eat or stay 

Your choices of where to eat are numerous and it depends upon how much time you have and how much you want to pay. I'll list a few places, however you should do a Google search to locate an eatery. There are creperies, restaurants, hotel restaurants/bars and generally speaking, they are all expensive.

  • La Mere Poulard Restaurant Website
  • Restaurant Le Chapeau Rouge Website
  • La Sirène Lochet on the "AirBnB" Website
  • Creperies in or near Mont Saint-Michel
  • The Top 5 Restaurants in Le Mont-Saint-Michel from the 'Culture Trip' Website
  • Google Search Results list for "restaurants on Mont Saint-Michel"
  • Google Search Results list for "accommodations on Mont Saint-Michel"
  • 10 Best Restaurants on Mont Saint-Michel from the "Trip Advisor" Website
 More Info for Mont Saint-Michel 

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